All you do is put 100g of raw cacao butter in a glass bowl, on top of another glass bowl filled with hot water, and melt it down to liquid. Then whisk in 6 tablespoons of raw cacao powder (I use a 1/3 cup measure and a 10ml measure). Use a metal whisk, it gets it all mixed up better than a spoon. Then add 2 tablespoons of agave nectar and about half a teaspoon of vanilla extract.
Then you can add whatever you like as flavourings really. The batch I knocked up last night I put mesquite and lucuma in and they are really good! I've got a bit of a thing for mesquite at the moment, it's so gorgeous, I put it in my smoothie this morning too!
I've made them with a few drops of rosewater in before too- they were good- a bit turkish delighty tasting. But you could add orange, mint, chopped nuts, goji berries... whatever takes your fancy!

I have also used the leftover melted chocolate to dip some raw ginger flapjack biscuits I made in, and they turned out great. I got the biscuit recipe here, they call them ginger oat cookies, they were lovely as they were, but massively improved by being chocolate coated!