Well, day 3 is almost over and it's been very good! I'm really surprised but I'm not feeling hungry at all this time around and haven't had any nasty detox symptoms as yet. Although it is only day 3 so plenty of time for that to kick in! The salt flush is still revolting but it it is still doing the business. I keep having to blow my nose too, though I don't have any other cold symptoms, I think a lot of mucous is being loosened from everywhere! (Did you want to know that? ;))
Still have plenty of energy too. In fact the last 2 nights I have found it really hard to get to sleep. Maybe because I had been getting used to the instant sleep brought on by a couple of glasses of wine in the evening that now I'm not having! But I was tossing and turning for a couple of hours after going to bed which doesn't usually happen to me. So I went into Brixton today and got some of the brilliant sleep tea from Brixton Whole Foods (I love that shop) which should do the trick. Although drinking that before bed, on top of a laxative tea, loads of water and all the lemon drinks I'll no doubt be waking up to pee in the night instead! I'm also putting lavender oil on my pillow and am about to have a hot bath- hopefully this will all work! I put a big handful of Himalayan crystal salt in the bath to help with the detoxifying process and weirdly really wanted to eat some, so I sucked and crunched a few crystals too (out of the packet, not out of the bath!)and it was good! Is that weird?
I've also been doing skin brushing in the mornings which is great for detoxifying- the skin is the largest organ in your body so a lot of toxins get eliminated through the skin, and brushing with a natural bristle brush really helps the process.
I've been increasing the amount of cayenne in my lemonade quite a bit too because as well as aiding with eliminating it has so many other great health benefits. And I love a bit of spice! Here's a good link for more cayenne info: http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/cayenne.htm
Oo oo I almost forgot, I got a Vitamix today! Well, it hasn't actually arrived yet, but I ordered it. SO excited, I've wanted one for so long. As I was channel hopping today I stumbled across "Vitamix special" on the Ideal World channel, where they were selling them with £50 off, plus you could pay in monthly installments... it was a sign that I had to get one... so I did! Can't wait to start using it when the cleanse is over. Really looking forward to getting back on the raw. Already feeling so much better for 3 days off SAD food.
Well, I'm off to soak in my hot bath now. Night x.
Thursday, 30 December 2010
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Detoxing with the master cleanse
Oops... it's been flippin ages since I blogged here! I did struggle a bit with staying raw when it was so cold, and fell off the raw wagon somewhat. So now I am back on the master cleanse to re-set myself and get myself back into the raw groove.
I'm drawing to the end of the second day and so far so good. It's a lot easier than last time I did it as I'm on holiday from work, which definitely helps. Also, the last time I only tried the morning salt water flush once and it didn't work at all so I didn't do it again ... however, this time, completely different story! I did it this morning, and yes, it's quite revolting to drink, but boy did it ever work! Last time, it just swished around inside me and nothing came back out, but this time I had several 'movements' (tmi? hee hee) and definitely feel like the detox is working. I think it's because I've got a better quality salt- Maldon sea salt flakes, which have no additives and are non-iodised. I can' remember what I used last time. I put in two pretty generous teaspoons of salt to make sure it worked- I may not have used enough for my body last time.
This time I got Peter Glickman's master cleanse book (on my new Kindle, which I totally love, but that's another story) Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happier in 10 Days, Second Edition, and reading it I learnt a lot more about the benefits of the cleanse and the process of cleansing the toxins from the colon
, so I feel I am really detoxing, and not just looking at it as a weight loss thing. I definitely need to cleanse my system, I have been eating fairly unhealthily at times over the festive period, as well as drinking alcohol, which I know doesn't agree with me, so I really need to detoxify my liver and colon.
I had a massive burst of energy this evening- my bathroom has never been so sparkling- but I suspect this won't last as day 3 (tomorrow) is often the hardest day, detox sympton-wise, but I suppose that's a good thing in terms of cleansing (my body, not the bathroom). The hunger hasn't really kicked in yet either. But I have been peeing ridiculously, I'm in and out of the loo at the moment! I'm sure that's good too though, more stuff passing through me helping the cleansing process, and I am drinking a ton of water as well as the lemonade drinks and peppermint tea, so it's only to be expected.
I read in the book that if you get a craving for something specific it is most likely what your body is currently eliminating and the craving will probably be gone the next day after the morning 'elimination'. Someone said funghi on TV this morning and I suddenly wanted a mushroom pizza, so I suspect that is true! It's also imprtant to recognise the distinction between craving and hunger, which I am working on.
Well, I'm going to make my laxative tea and have an early night, but I will keep updating on my progress through the master cleanse if you're interested to read it. If not, I will be back on the raw food after this 10 days is over, so do check back then!
8 more days to go and then I can have fresh orange juice...mmmmmmm! x
I'm drawing to the end of the second day and so far so good. It's a lot easier than last time I did it as I'm on holiday from work, which definitely helps. Also, the last time I only tried the morning salt water flush once and it didn't work at all so I didn't do it again ... however, this time, completely different story! I did it this morning, and yes, it's quite revolting to drink, but boy did it ever work! Last time, it just swished around inside me and nothing came back out, but this time I had several 'movements' (tmi? hee hee) and definitely feel like the detox is working. I think it's because I've got a better quality salt- Maldon sea salt flakes, which have no additives and are non-iodised. I can' remember what I used last time. I put in two pretty generous teaspoons of salt to make sure it worked- I may not have used enough for my body last time.
This time I got Peter Glickman's master cleanse book (on my new Kindle, which I totally love, but that's another story) Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happier in 10 Days, Second Edition, and reading it I learnt a lot more about the benefits of the cleanse and the process of cleansing the toxins from the colon
I had a massive burst of energy this evening- my bathroom has never been so sparkling- but I suspect this won't last as day 3 (tomorrow) is often the hardest day, detox sympton-wise, but I suppose that's a good thing in terms of cleansing (my body, not the bathroom). The hunger hasn't really kicked in yet either. But I have been peeing ridiculously, I'm in and out of the loo at the moment! I'm sure that's good too though, more stuff passing through me helping the cleansing process, and I am drinking a ton of water as well as the lemonade drinks and peppermint tea, so it's only to be expected.
I read in the book that if you get a craving for something specific it is most likely what your body is currently eliminating and the craving will probably be gone the next day after the morning 'elimination'. Someone said funghi on TV this morning and I suddenly wanted a mushroom pizza, so I suspect that is true! It's also imprtant to recognise the distinction between craving and hunger, which I am working on.
Well, I'm going to make my laxative tea and have an early night, but I will keep updating on my progress through the master cleanse if you're interested to read it. If not, I will be back on the raw food after this 10 days is over, so do check back then!
8 more days to go and then I can have fresh orange juice...mmmmmmm! x
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