Sunday, 29 August 2010

Back in gloomy London and so invented a warming spicy tomato soup!

So, I wasn't too bad when I was in France, and I started off really well. I brought some jalapeno burgers and flax crackers with me which I had with some big salads. And I had my green smoothie for breakfast every day. I did go out for lunch a couple of times though and had a goat's cheese salad and a greek salad so wasn't entirely raw, but was pretty healthy considering it's not easy to eat out vegetarian in rural France, and definitely not vegan! I did drink a ridiculous amount of wine while I was there though... got to try to get back on the wagon again now.

I had a lovely few days in France. It was boiling hot and sunny every day, 40 degrees on the last day, which was actually getting a bit too hot, even for me- a massive sun worshipper- and I had to move into the shade! Then a couple of hours later I stepped off the plane in Stansted into the most gloomy depressing weather, relentless rain, black skies and really cold. I hate this climate! I would be sooooo much happier if I could wake up every day with the sun shining.

At the moment everything I want to eat is spicy, I think it's the general dampness of the climate which I'm finding really depressing. Makes me want to warm things up a bit, and chili is the best way I have at the moment! Ginger and garlic are great for warming you up too. I'm going to make some more jalapeno burgers tonight, I think I might be addicted to them! I'm definitely addicted to chili. I'm rehearsing a play at the moment so even though I'm on leave from work for another week I'm still bringing packed lunches and snacks with me whenever I leave the house, so the burgers will be great for that.

Spicy tomato soup
I've just made a spicy tomato soup that I invented the recipe for myself and it turned out really good. It's also really easy- just bung everything in the blender! Here's the recipe:

3 large fresh tomatoes
1 small onion
1 stick celery
1 clove garlic
1 red chili
1/2 avocado
1/8 to 1/4 cup sundried tomatoes (I used 1/4 cup but next time I'd only use half as much I think)
1/2 cup soaking water from the sundried tomatoes
1/4 cup water
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar (optional)
Dash of salt and black pepper

Delicious mixed salad with marinated mushrooms, olives & more!
I've also made some more marinated mushrooms from Ani Phyo's book: Ani's Raw Food Kitchen: Easy, Delectable Living Foods Recipes, they are so good, I eat them all the time, and had them with a big salad for my lunch yesterday. I couldn't get any organic portabella ones though, so just did it with normal organic mushrooms. And they turned out fine. In the salad I put mixed salad leaves, cucumber, tomatoes, mixed sprouts (mung beans, lentils, chick peas and aduki beans), kalamata olives, green chili and the mushrooms. Just made a quick dressing of extra virgin olive oil and apple cider vinegar which I took separately in a little bottle, as was running late so didn't have time to make anything more exciting. But it was gorgeous anyway. Had the last of my flax crackers with it too... must get round to making some more actually.

The next savoury thing I'm going to make is broccoli and brazil nut mash (yum, it's the best!) with more marinated mushrooms and mushroom gravy, again from Ani Phyo's recipe. So I'll take a pic of that and put it up soon. Need to make something sweet next, another dessert, but not sure what I fancy,  so any suggestions, let me know!

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